Saturday, June 16, 2007 invites you to join us, help us grow on the internet.
we welcome your opinions and your input, especially in our efforts to elect the next President of the United States, Barack Obama.

Since, his efforts are grassroots, it will take the power of ordinary people, like you and me to put him in office. This is an unusual campaign. This time, it will not be the money and power of the few, but the efforts of the "little" guys, the every day people that will get the job done.

The power of many, instead of the money and influence of a select few, will determine the future of this country as it should.

Let's unify. Let's discuss. Let's work together. Let's be the generation to bring this country back to the people and put it back into the hands of the hardworking Americans who made this country the greatest country in the world.

Most of all, let our voices -- and our votes -- send a message to the greedy, immoral, amoral few wealthy, that they cannot use our heroes/troops to shove any more money in their pockets at the cost of American lives/bloodshed in Iraq. Let's bring our troops home and end a senseless war that should have never been waged in the first place. Let's redirect our efforts to the real enemies of America -- Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. Let's get the right man -- Barack Obama into the White House, and get the money-hungry, oil-loving few OUT so that we can get about the business of securing America for our children and ourselves.